Our Herb Garden

Our herb garden got a refresh this year.  It was overdue.  When I pulled out the old woody sage plant it took almost the entire wheelbarrow of soil with it.  After a quick soil refresh, new plants got added.  The only one we kept were the chives.  Everything else had gotten awfully woody or was dead because it was an annual.

This is what we've got going now.  A ton of basil, chives, oregano, thyme, and a sage.  We keep a rosemary plant in a pot close to the wheelbarrow planter.  It's looking rather peaked this spring.  I'm honestly not exactly sure why, but I definitely need to check that out.  All that's left to add is a lime basil a friend passed along to us.  By the end of the summer it should be pretty full. 

I'm thinking about re-painting the wheelbarrow too.  I used to be red.  Now it's faded and not really a describable color.  I'm just not sure if the paint would hold up or what color to go with.  I lean towards blue or turquoise.

I wish I could say that we use these herbs a lot, but honestly, we don't.  Occasionally we bust out our culinary creativity, like when I added some fresh chives to a pasta salad I was taking to a Daylily Society meeting, but fancy cooking isn't really our thing.  Is it sad that fresh herbs equal fancy to me?


  1. Your refreshed herb garden looks happy and healthy.

    1. thanks. Still haven't gotten the extra basil plant put in yet. Maybe this weekend.

  2. Ha...fancy is not my calling either but having fresh thyme, chives, basil for summer cooking is a wonderful thing. I love the looks of some of the other herbs so they get thrown in too. Your wheelbarrow will look better no matter what color you choose. It will have much more personality.

    1. I think this fall I'll pull everything again and give it a good makeover. I'll need to divide the oregano anyway. Right now it's too hot to be messing with spray paint.


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