
After breakfast Sunday morning we headed outside to go run a few errands and out of the corner of his eye the plant geek noticed a flash of red in the Pollinator Garden.  You can see it over on the left side of this photo.  Not sure what it was, a bit of exploration was in order.

As we got closer, it became clear what was going on.  

Well actually a little discussion ensued due to differing memories and some haphazard planting in this particular garden.

It turns out it was some Lycoris radiate, or Surprise Lilies, that we had forgotten we planted.  They came from a plant exchange we went to.  Last year we didn’t get any blooms, just foliage, so we forgot about them with all the other craziness in that bed.

We also planted some Oxblood Lilies in this bed, but no signs of their blooms yet.  I remembered the Surprise Lilies and the Plant Geek remembered the Oxbloods.  The location of the blooms confirms that they were indeed the Surprise Lilies and not incorrectly labeled Oxblood lilies like some people thought.

Now that I remember having them in the garden, I’m pretty excited to have them in this bed and their bold fall splash of red.

Don’t you like them too?


  1. A really sweet late summer surprise! I love the looks of these and one year will remember to plant a few in my own garden.

    1. I want to aadd few more of these and maybe some "Naked Ladies" in the ruin garden or maybe other by our dinosaur at some point.

  2. They're wonderful. I planted some years back but they've yet to flower and I'm beginning to despair that they ever will. I don't even remember what color they're supposed to be anymore.

  3. The common name I've always heard was Spider Lilies. We saw LOTS of them when we were in Japan.


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